Crew 3 3
Troops 6 4
Protection level options
STANAG 4569 level II 7.62x39mm AP rounds 7.62x39mm AP rounds
STANAG 4569 level II 7.62x54mm AP rounds 7.62x54mm AP rounds
Technical mobility
Acceleration 0-100 kph 22sec 22sec
Max Speed 140km/h 140km/h
Cruising range 60 kph 500km 500km
Gradient 60% 60%
Side slope 40% 40%
Gap crossing 0.6m 0.6m
Fording 0.8m 0.8m
Model Ford F-550,6692m3,V8 Ford F-550,6692m3,V8
Working principle Power Stroke Turbo Diesel Power Stroke Turbo Diesel
Working principle 300 PS 3.000 rpm 300 PS 3.000 rpm
Max torque 680 Nm 2.000 rpm 680 Nm 2.000 rpm
Power/Weight 47-40hp/ton 47-40hp/ton
Make & Model Ford Ford
Type Automatic Automatic
Gears-forward/reverse 6/1 6/1
Transfer case
Make & Model Ford Ford
Type Low, high, 4x2, 4x4 Low, high, 4x2, 4x4
Electric system
Voltage 24V DC 24V DC
Alternator 200 amp 200 amp
Battery 78 amp/hr 78 amp/hr
Type Power Assisted Hydraulic Power Assisted Hydraulic
Single/selectable steering Single  
Wheels & Tires
Wheels 12.SR20 MPT-80 12.SR20 MPT-80
Ballistic realatant wheel flange
Tire type
Radial, Tubeless,equipped with Run Flat System Provides run flat capability for 50km at 50km/h(Hutchinson) Radial, Tubeless,equipped with Run Flat System Provides run flat capability for 50km at 50km/h(Hutchinson)
Operating environment
Temperature range -32 to +55 -32 to +55
Side  windows-front/Crew 2/4 2/3

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Adalet Neighborhood Manas Boulevard Folkart Towers No:47 B Inner Door No:2809 Bayraklı / İZMİR

+90(533) 439 48 40 +90(232) 328 19 80

The company MC DEFENSE & TECHNOLOGY has been established on the basis of a project joined by several experienced professionals focusing on the development, production and trade with defense industry products.

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Our Hours

  • Weekdays
    9:00 - 18:00
  • Weekend
    10:00 - 17:00